First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Home Address
Zip Code
Same address as contact information.
This project is associated with an HOA.
Project Type
Is the mailing address as contact information.
If you are remodeling, has any previous work been done to your home? Describe & list the contractor/subcontractor who performed the project?
Have you ever built or remodeled a home before? If "yes", please describe and provide the name of the the contractor?
If you are remodeling, are you of the understanding that this is an existing home that may require unforeseen repairs of latent defects, alterations, code updates, etc.?
If owner/builder, who were the subcontractors that worked on the project? For example: electrician, plumber, HVAC, cabinetry, painting company, flooring company and tile/marble company?
How was your experience?
What did you like best and what did you like least about the project?
If you are planning on working with your own designer or firm, please provide us with the contact information.
We appreciate your thoughts. Is there anything else that you would like to share or let us know?